Natural Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction: Do They Work?

Natural Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction Do They WorkImage |

Over thirty years ago, two British scientists at Pfizer created a new drug they believed would help treat high blood pressure. The medicine these scientists created did help lower blood pressure, but you probably know it better by its brand name.

Viagra was hailed as the wonder remedy for erectile dysfunction, and just weeks after FDA approval, 40,000 prescriptions had been written.

While Viagra has helped numerous couples to enjoy a healthy sex life, not everyone suits this prescription medicine. Some people prefer to take natural remedies, but will they work?

How many males suffer from erectile dysfunction?

If you are experiencing ED you are not alone. Roughly 30 million males in the US alone suffer from ED. But, over half the male population will experience some form of ED at least once. Often, failing to get an erection will be temporary and caused by nerves or stress. But, when a pattern of ED forms it often leads men to seek different solutions.

Viagra isn’t the only remedy for ED, and natural solutions for improved performance are available too. One comparison of Max Performer and Performer 8 shows how amino acids and other natural substances are used in ED supplements now.

Such natural remedies purport to work by using ingredients that target blood flow and increase testosterone and nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide is needed to widen blood vessels to promote the blood flow necessary for an erection. Testosterone is also an important factor where ED is concerned.

What causes erectile dysfunction in males?

It isn’t unusual for a man to struggle to maintain an erection sometimes. This is normal and can be caused by too much alcohol, stress, or performance anxiety. If it only happens once then it is unlikely to be a serious case of ED and should be brushed off. But, it becomes a concern for many when the situation repeats itself regularly. Two main causes of ED are physical and psychological.

Physical causes for ED include:

  • Low testosterone
  • Diabetes
  • Blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Parkinson’s
  • Obesity
  • Heart disease

Older people are more likely to take prescription medicines and some of these can cause ED. Diabetes is another cause of erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, innovations have prevented diabetes complications, of which one is ED.

If you find you can get erections when you are alone, then the cause may be psychological.

Psychological issues that can cause ED, include the following:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Guilt
  • Performance anxiety
  • Low self-esteem
  • Body issues

Alcohol, smoking, and other substances can all affect ED too in the short term and the long term. Work worries, guilt about money or relationships, and even poor self-esteem can cause bouts of ED to occur.

What natural remedies are available for erectile dysfunction?

You can break down natural remedies for erectile dysfunction into lifestyle changes, and supplements. Some people will find that taking certain herbal remedies can improve their sexual performance, while others will benefit more from making dietary changes and exercising more.

Lifestyle changes for treating erectile dysfunction

Obesity is a major health crisis now. Obesity is linked to spinal damage worryingly and is also a cause of ED, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Making certain lifestyle changes may be the solution to many patients’ erectile dysfunction without the need for drugs.


Therapy and counselling have been found useful by many patients with ED. When the problems are psychological rather than physical, talking it through with a counsellor can help.

Exercising more

A simple moderately intense daily workout could work wonders for someone with ED. Exercise helps to lose weight and it can help with blood flow. A cardio workout will help with blood vessel health and increase testosterone.

Stop smoking

Smoking clogs arteries which will limit blood flow. And cigarettes contain nicotine which can cause stress.

Dietary changes

One study showed that berries can reduce the incidence of ED by up to 11%, and fruits should be part of any healthy diet. Eating processed foods high in salt and fat will affect your blood pressure, and could encourage you to put on weight.

Sleep better

Sleep apnea is believed to be a cause of ED. Invest in a new mattress, speak to your doctor, and try meditation. If you can find the cause of your poor sleep patterns, your sex life might improve. Poor sleep can lead to high blood pressure and increase the chances of diabetes, both of which can cause ED.

Reduce stress

It isn’t always easy to find the root cause of conditions such as sleep apnea or stress, but if you can find ways to relax more, you may find you no longer have so many incidences of ED. Yoga, warm baths, meditation, and switching off mobile devices, can help reduce stress levels before heading to bed.

Supplements for erectile dysfunction

Some people might prefer to take something for their ED, and there are natural supplements available on the market.

At-home IV therapy in Calabasas, CA (or any other location) can also be an option worth exploring for those seeking alternative remedies for ED. These therapies may offer a holistic approach to addressing underlying health issues contributing to erectile dysfunction.

Amino acids

Some supplements contain a number of amino acids that are said to treat ED. L-arginine is an amino acid needed for the body to function. This particular amino acid is believed to help treat ED.

Herbal supplements

Known as herbal viagra sometimes, some natural remedies have proved to be somewhat successful in treating ED.

  • Gingko
  • Maca
  • Yohimbine
  • Mondia whitei
  • Panax ginseng

An erection is caused by many elements including blood flow to the penis. The release of nitric oxide is vital. And visual or mental stimulation is usually the trigger.

Many people might find some of these herbal supplements work best in conjunction with couples’ counselling or other lifestyle changes.

Do natural remedies work for erectile dysfunction?

Most ED supplements are aimed at improving certain areas such as blood flow and testosterone. There are many things that testosterone can do. And this hormone can help to treat impotence or cause it.

Too much testosterone can cause ED, and so can too little ironically. However, ED supplements aren’t solely aimed at testosterone.


For example, ginkgo is commonly used to help with increased nitric oxide production. The herb is known to increase nitric oxide in blood so it could therefore help with ED.

Maca root

Maca was used in one study with males suffering from mild ED. Half the study group was given a placebo while the others had 2.4 grams of maca root daily. After 3 months, the patients who consumed maca reported significant improvements.

Panax ginseng

Panax ginseng is considered safe and can be used to treat stress and high cholesterol. Therefore, there may be gains to be had by treating ED with Panax ginseng.

Mondia whitei

This root is used in traditional African medicine for the treatment of ED. Many people believe mondia whitei root to be an aphrodisiac.


If you experience erectile dysfunction then try to talk to your partner. When ED occurs in younger men it is very often due to worries within or outside of the relationship and is a short-term issue. However, many lifestyle choices can cause ED. Visiting your doctor may help diagnose the root of the problem.

Your doctor can prescribe medication or discuss natural alternatives with you along with whatever lifestyle changes you might wish to make.