Types of Content Strategies for Pharma: How to Choose?

Types of Content Strategies for Pharma How to ChooseImage | AdobeStock.com

The pharmaceutical industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.34% and reach $486.62 billion by 2028. With such a vast market size and jostling for supremacy, one thing that can help a brand stand apart, or outshine its competitor, is a cutting-edge pharma content.

What can a content marketing strategy do for you in the pharmaceutical industry? It is an inbound strategy that focuses on creating and sharing pharmaceutical content to target audiences and inspire them not only to take action, but also educate while interacting with the brand. The content strategy for pharmaceutical companies is mainly focused on delivering such materials as eDetailers, emails, articles, conferences, videos, web portals for HCPs, infographics etc. It helps in increasing brand awareness, engagement, and customer loyalty.

What does pharmaceutical content marketing include? 

Pharmaceutical content creation is a critical component of the pharmaceutical industry’s overall marketing strategy. The goal of pharmaceutical content marketing is to provide valuable, educational information to healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients alike.

Here are some of the best examples of how content marketing strategies in pharma can reach prospective pharmaceutical clients:

HCP-centric content:

  • Medical articles detailing the results of clinical trials for new drugs or treatments.
  • Webinars or live conferences discussing the latest research findings and disease management guidelines.
  • Online training programs that provide continuing education credits for HCPs.
  • Disease-specific educational materials such as brochures, pamphlets, or booklets.
  • Patient case studies that demonstrate the efficacy of a particular treatment.

Patient-centric content:

  • Patient education materials that explain their medical condition, including symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
  • Interactive tools that help patients track their symptoms and monitor their treatment progress.
  • Online forums where patients can connect with others who have similar health conditions and share information and experiences.
  • Disease awareness campaigns that raise public awareness about a particular condition and promote early detection and treatment.
  • Mobile apps that provide patients with access to their medical records, medication reminders, and other health-related information.

What are the goals of content strategies in pharma? 

The goals of content strategies in the pharma industry are to reach out to the right audience, educate them, and generate awareness about their products and services. You must identify your audience by different criteria like demographic information, professional position, social characteristics, and consumption behaviours and the most important – their needs.

Some of the pharma content marketing goals include:

  1. Building trust and credibility.

Keep your content objective so that consumers find the correct information and help them make informed decisions about health.

  1. Generate awareness. 

Your content must consider the target audience, spread awareness about their products and services, and take time to answer audience queries.

  1. Build authentic connections.

Your content must be transparent about product benefits and risks and invest in patient education. You must listen to patients and physicians, build trust, and build relationships with key opinion leaders.

  1. Educate audience and drive consideration.

Pharma content must contain educational elements to support a customer’s healthcare journey. Even if the drug can be only prescribed by HCP, a qualified pharma content should be focused to explain HCP why this medication is the one.

Need help choosing between content strategies? The amount of marketing possibilities can be overwhelming — reach out to our experts for a personal consultation, and we will help you to choose the best content communication strategy!