With the use of health technology rising amongst patients, clinicians, and consumers there is a growing need to continually evaluate how digital solutions can provide the best possible experience and help ensure that users continue to engage with your HealthTech product.
Even with a great product and a strong growth strategy, for providers of digital health technologies, engagement with users is critical to success! Patient outcomes, improved workflows, organisational benefits, all these aspects require solutions that are easy and intuitive to use, and which provide users with a meaningful user experience. Ultimately this is what will keep people using your technology.
Healthcare is a very nuanced industry with many key factors to consider when designing solutions. Technology must quickly fit into the workflows of clinicians, or the treatment regimens of patients, and provide tangible benefit – otherwise it will quickly fall out of use.
Users expect a design and user experience that is easy to understand and use while delivering them the service. A proper design also helps your development team to reduce operational costs, have better analyses and better inputs for product development.
Learn from others and engage users in HealthTech
Working with healthcare technology experts is an essential step in producing the exceptional user experiences and necessary workflows that are required in the healthcare industry.
With the experience of more than 100 projects bene : studio highlights some of the best practices to apply to HealthTech products alongside examples and key areas to improve within the application, software, UX, design or user flow.
As well as helping HealthTech companies to develop market-leading solutions, bene : studio helps clients develop their product strategy starting with a product audit:
HealthTech companies interested can book a free consultation to talk about their needs here.
Best Practice #1
LifeCuff Technologies have a physical product to treat diabetic wounds. Their device is designed to be used in hospitals or in patients’ homes. The product delivers better patient outcomes while saving money. The best practice for a product like this is to have a cloud service attached, enabling it to communicate real-time with the manufacturer and the physician.
Immediate benefits include:
- Real-time info on usage, performance, bugs, providing faster product improvements.
- Makes doctor – patient relationship more efficient and can make hospital visits less frequent.
Best Practice #2
Wellsheet delivers an electronic health record experience with machine learning attached providing predictive workflows, customized information grouping for physicians and patients. This means that a lot of data is displayed in their product just like your facebook, or gmail, account. Best practice is to use visual hierarchy tools in the design to help users navigate and easily find pieces of information. To this use tools like typography, icons, colours and information grouping in a proper combination.
Read more: https://benestudio.co/wellsheet-product-audit/
Best Practice #3
Softcare Studios offer innovative products using virtual reality. One of their projects is aimed at pediatric patients, reducing their pain and anxiety while they are hospitalized.
Their current online presence is limited to a simple website acting as a brochure. Industry best practices show that they should develop this into a more professional platform with the following features:
- More information on the products with educational materials
- List available solutions and packages clients can choose from
- Order, payment, account management
- UI/UX tweaks for easier client conversion
- Account management and feedback system for hospitals
- Data handling and recommendation engine
Read more: https://benestudio.co/creating-a-platform-for-softcare-studios/
With so many healthcare organisations looking to digitalise processes, now is the time for solution providers to optimise their technologies and engage users with their HealthTech.
Get a free consultation with bene : studio to talk about your product and discover what industry best practices can be applied to your product.