10 Medical Screenings that every Woman should Regularly Have

10 Medical Screenings that every Woman should Regularly HaveImage | Unsplash.com

Preventive medical screenings are the easiest and the most affordable way of detecting various diseases at early stages. Read this article to learn about the most important medical tests for ladies.

A lady who wants to stay healthy and enjoy her life to the max at any age should have systematic preventive medical screenings. These tests will allow you to detect any potential health conditions at an early stage. You’ll be able to prevent them medical or get rid of them while it’s still easy and not too costly to do so. In this article, you’ll find a list of ten essential medical tests that every woman aged 18+ should have regularly to improve her quality of life.

Blood Pressure Screening

Starting at age 20, you should have this test at least once every two years. Annual medical screenings are recommended for the following types of individuals:

  • Ladies aged 40+
  • African-Americans
  • Patients with conditions like obesity that put them at increased risk for hypertension

The ideal reading should be below 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

Cholesterol Check

People aged 20+ should measure their cholesterol levels at least once every five years. The ideal reading is less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). A borderline high reading falls within the range from 200 to 239 mg/dl. This indicator reflects your risk of developing heart disease or stroke. If you belong to the right-risk group, the doctor should recommend an individual checkup schedule to you.

Pap Smears

The target audience of this test is females aged 21 to 65. They should have a Pap smear every three years. Ladies aged 30+ might want to have it every five years if they combine it with a screen for HPV.

The medical professional will widen the lady’s vaginal canal with a speculum and use a small brush to take cells from the cervix. The examination of these cells enables the doctor to detect changes that might lead to cervical cancer.


This term denotes screening for breast cancer. During the procedure, your breast will be compressed between plates to capture X-ray images. Opinions are split on the optimal frequency of this type of test. On the one hand, the risk for breast cancer increases with age. On the other hand, the more often you have mammograms, the more likely they would be to deliver false-positive results. Some medical professionals state that ladies aged 45+ should have yearly screenings — and starting from the age of 55, they should do it once in two years. However, according to another expert recommendation, ladies don’t need to have mammograms until they hit 50 — and the screening should be biannual. You might consider starting annual screening earlier if you have a family history of the disease or other related concerns.

Bone Density Screening

The medical professional will ask you to lie on a table to let a low-dose X-ray machine capture images of your bones. This screening test allows the doctor to assess your bone density and detect osteoporosis. You should have your first screening at the age of 65. But if you have low body weight or had fractures, you might need to start earlier. After you have your first test, the doctor will determine the optimal screening frequency for you.

Blood Glucose Tests

Ladies aged around 45 should have such a test every three years. It will enable the doctor to evaluate your risks of developing diabetes. You might need to have this type of screening more frequently and start it earlier if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • Are obese
  • Have a family history of diabetes
  • Are of a race or ethnicity that’s at particular risk

If your reading is greater than 126 mg/dl, it might mean you have diabetes. A reading that falls within the range from 100 mg/dl to 126 mg/dl typically indicates a prediabetic state.

Colon Cancer Screening

You should start having this test as soon as you hit 50. You can have it either at a hospital or at your doctor’s office. The first type of colon screening is called colonoscopy. The medical professional will insert a long tube in your anus to examine the entire colon. You should repeat this procedure every 10 years. The second type of screening is known as sigmoidoscopy. In this case, the doctor will examine only the lower part of your colon using a camera and a lighted tube. You should undergo sigmoidoscopy every 5 years.

Body Mass Index

There is no one-fits-all standard when it comes to BMI. Based on this indicator, your doctor will be able to understand whether you are obese or not. If you are, you’ll be more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes and some other health issues. You should have this type of screening every year after you turn 18. Your doctor will tell you about the optimal frequency.

Skin Examination

Ladies should examine the skin all over their bodies every month, looking for any new moles or changes to existing moles. You can easily do this at home, without third-party help. If you detect anything suspicious, you should see the doctor as soon as possible because these might be early signs of skin cancer. If you have a family history of this disease or have other risk factors, you should consult a medical professional about having regular in-office exams.

Dental Checkup

This type of test includes the following manipulations:

  • Examining the teeth
  • Cleaning
  • Having X-rays, if necessary

You should have this checkup every six months at any age. Thanks to such a frequency, your dentist will be able to detect signs of decay and any other problems at an early stage.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this article came in handy and now you better understand which type of tests you should have to stay healthy. Many of them are considered preventive, so your insurance plan might cover them. Otherwise, some screenings might be rather pricey — so you should consult your insurance company before making appointments. To find the most experienced and reliable doctors in your area, you might want to use tripment.com. This service should help you to get in touch with top medical professionals that can carry out any type of test.