Healthcare Takes a Hit When Americans Move

Healthcare Takes a Hit When Americans MoveImage |

The process of moving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, filled with countless decisions and tasks that must be prioritized. We recently surveyed over 1,000 Americans to understand how a move can impact their healthcare and medical records, and the findings reveal a concerning trend: healthcare often takes a backseat during the relocation process, leading to significant challenges and regrets for many Americans.

The Overlooked Priority: Healthcare

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than eight million Americans move each year. While the reasons for moving vary—such as changes in living situations, purchasing a home, or seeking a new environment—one critical aspect often neglected is healthcare.

The survey highlights that a staggering 91% of Americans do not prioritize healthcare when choosing a new home. Instead, prospective movers focus on factors like school districts, home value, and commute times. Only 9% of respondents considered healthcare options, such as proximity to hospitals or doctors’ offices, as a top priority. This oversight can have significant implications, especially in emergencies or when managing ongoing health conditions.

Regrets and Realizations

The survey indicates that 58% of Americans who moved within the last five years did not consider healthcare options at all during their relocation. This lack of foresight has led to regrets for 1 in 5 of these individuals, with over half (53%) stating they would prioritize healthcare if they moved again. These findings suggest a growing awareness of the importance of accessible healthcare, yet it remains an afterthought for many during the moving process.

The Challenge of Managing Medical Records

One of the most critical yet challenging aspects of moving is managing medical records. The survey revealed that over 1 in 4 (29%) Americans have encountered difficulties transferring health records between providers when switching doctors. This issue is particularly pronounced among those who have served in the military or grown up in military families, with 29% citing the maintenance of medical and vaccination records as a significant challenge.

The chaos of moving can make it easy for important documents to be misplaced or forgotten. Google searches for “How do I find my medical records” increased by 26% from January 2021 to January 2024, underscoring the confusion many Americans face in tracking their health information. Additionally, 35% of survey respondents admitted they do not know where to find all their health records. Among parents, 30% do not have all their child’s health records, and 58% do not know how to access them if needed.

The Impact on Health and Well-being

The neglect of healthcare during a move can have serious repercussions on individuals’ health and well-being. Without easy access to medical records, continuity of care can be disrupted, leading to potential gaps in treatment or missed diagnoses. This is particularly concerning for those with chronic conditions or ongoing health needs that require regular monitoring and management.

And, we know that the stress of moving itself can exacerbate health issues. The uncertainty and logistical challenges involved can lead to increased anxiety and decreased attention to personal health, making the accessibility of healthcare services even more crucial during this transitional period.

Helping healthcare patients manage a move: Recommendations for providers

Given the findings, it is clear that integrating healthcare considerations into the moving process is essential, yet the disruption can significantly impact a person’s healthcare continuity. Providers can take practical steps to help ensure a smooth transition for patients.

First, retaining records to meet retention and release of information requirements is crucial. Simplifying the application landscape can reduce the burden of digging for records releases, ensuring that vital information is easily accessible when needed. An active archive is helpful here. It securely consolidates all historical data and allows for user workflows to access and release records. This allows those old applications to be decommissioned. Second, implementing an easy-to-use patient portal can make records readily available, allowing patients to manage their health more efficiently during and after their move. Having a streamlined, integrated software portfolio can further enable information sharing to a patient portal.

By prioritizing these steps, healthcare providers can help mitigate the negative effects of a move on patient care. Ensuring that records are retained and accessible, streamlining processes, and providing user-friendly digital tools are key strategies in maintaining continuity of care. This holistic approach not only supports regulatory compliance but also enhances patient experience and outcomes during the often-stressful moving process.

There is clearly a significant gap in how patients prioritize healthcare during the moving process. While factors like housing and commute times dominate decision-making, the accessibility and management of healthcare should not be overlooked. As providers, fostering greater awareness and proactive measures can ensure continuity of care and well-being during relocations, ultimately supporting better health outcomes for patients.

By prioritizing healthcare, individuals can avoid the pitfalls of disrupted care and ensure their health remains a top priority, no matter where life takes them.


About the Author

Amy Holmes, Director of Marketing, Harmony Healthcare IT has over 15 years of diverse marketing experience. With early roles ranging from product management to communications and customer education, she quickly progressed to building and leading a marketing team which covered multiple product lines in the dental industry. Amy has guided marketing strategy, communications, demand generation, branding and product management. At Harmony Healthcare IT, she is responsible for all aspects of marketing, helping connect the healthcare market with data management solutions.