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How Health Cloud Enhances Patient Care

How Health Cloud Enhances Patient Care

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Health Cloud is a customer relationship management (CRM) product from Salesforce that coordinates the information streams between patients, providers, insurers and others in the medical field. Here’s a closer look at what it can do to enhance patient care for everyone involved.

Providing Information and Empowerment

Health Cloud can provide providers with the necessary information while giving patients the convenience they want and expect from modern health care facilities.

Many of the features within the Health Cloud Salesforce platform account for the fact that patient care expands beyond appointment room walls. Providers increasingly need ways to monitor patient well-being between scheduled appointments.

Health Cloud has a feature called Remote Patient Exception Monitoring that allows patients to send data from mobile medical devices to their providers. Those medical professionals can see the information in a centralized dashboard and act on their observations without the need for another in-person appointment. Anything patients send will also integrate with electronic health record (EHR) data.

If a provider decides to prescribe something new to a patient, the process is made easier with the Medication Management tool. It shows all of a patient’s current and past medications in one place, allowing easy access so people don’t have to look for important data in multiple locations. Centralizing drug information also ensures a streamlined process for identifying the issue if a patient has any negative reactions.

If patients need to schedule appointments with physicians or other providers, Health Cloud gives them options through the Intelligent Appointment Management tool. They can schedule appointments themselves on a computer or smartphone or choose to speak to a call center operator who will do it for them.

Proving How Technology Can Support Workflows

Some people in the health care industry feel like they spend too much of their time trying to become more tech-savvy, which means they can’t dedicate as much time to patient care. This situation quickly becomes immensely frustrating, particularly when providers want to prioritize caring for their patients.

However, Health Cloud has many user-friendly tech aspects that help people get both jobs done. Some of them use health care AI technology to work. For example, there are document automation features that rely on machine learning to extract text from documents — even if they’re handwritten papers. The information from the paperwork then gets routed to the right people or departments, speeding up workflows.

The platform also has Salesforce AI risk stratification algorithms that show which patients will likely use the most expensive health care resources. People can then use that information to justify providing more preventive care that could reduce the overall times those patients need to visit health care facilities for emergencies.

The more providers use features like these, the more likely they’ll develop positive and trustworthy opinions of AI and other advanced technologies. It’s also worth noting that Salesforce Health Cloud administrators can choose when and why automatic backups occur of information stored in the database. Since statistics indicate data loss downtime can cost $700,000 per hour, people must do everything they can to avoid these interruptions.

Creating a More Harmonized Health Care Experience

One of the goals of effective health care is to give all respective parties the information they need to do their jobs well and with limited friction. Health Cloud facilitates that aim by letting providers and other users manage all their activities from a single point.

The platform also has a no-code interoperability solution called Destinations. It allows providers to bring EHR data or any other internal information into Health Cloud without writing any code. That feature makes it easier to get all the content to the right place without primarily relying on people from a medical facility’s IT department.

Health Cloud also works with another Salesforce offering called Einstein Analytics for Healthcare. It gives people prebuilt dashboards and industry-recognized key performance indicators, helping managers keep track of employees’ performance and detect where room for improvement exists.

Together all these features help providers and other medical industry personnel work more smoothly, which results in better patient experiences. Improvements to administrative processes tend to make entire facilities more successful in meeting goals, so everyone benefits.

Health Cloud Meets Today’s Medical Industry Needs

This overview highlights some of the many ways Salesforce Health Cloud can contribute to better workflows in the medical sector, helping people work efficiently with digitalized files while keeping everything secure and well-organized.

Administrative decision-makers thinking about improving their facility’s recordkeeping process should strongly consider how Health Cloud might fit into that goal. All technological products take time to implement, but many are well worth the effort. Once everyone has enough time to learn the platform, they should quickly find that many of their duties take less time.


By Shannon Flynn, ReHack

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