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Beard Transplant Aftercare: 5 Must-Follow Post-Transplant Care Tips

Beard Transplant Aftercare - 5 Must-Follow Post-Transplant Care Tips

Have you recently undergone a beard transplant? If yes, you will soon have a luscious beard like you always dreamt of. However, achieving these best results will require rigorous aftercare. Yes, you heard it right!  You need to take care of a few things to ensure better aftercare and recovery. This detailed guide is curated to help you with detailed instructions to make sure that your beard transplant heals properly. This will surely help you with fantastic results. So, without any further ado, let us dive right into the details!

Top 5 Tips To Help In Faster Beard Transplant Recovery

Follow all the given points to take care of your beard after the transplant surgery.

1.     Avoid Direct Sun Exposure

After a beard transplant procedure, you have to ensure that you don’t expose the treated area to direct sunlight for a few weeks. So, it is advised to stay inside and only go outside in the shade. Direct sunlight can damage the treated area and cause unnecessary inconvenience. If you have to go outside in sunlight due to any circumstances, then make sure you protect the treated area from direct sunlight by using a helmet or any other thing. Moreover, make sure you apply sunscreen while going outside which has a high SPF.

2.     Groom The Transplant Area Gently

Once you have completed the procedure, then make sure you treat and groom the area of the transplant gently for a few weeks. Avoid shaving your hair for the first 10 to 15 days or as prescribed by your doctor. You have to understand that the treated area is under stress so it is best to progress gently. Moreover, don’t apply high pressure or pull any hair while shaving.

Besides this, you have to refrain from scratching and unnecessary touching to the treated area. You have to keep in mind that scratching and irritating the skin can damage the grafts which can further lead to infection.

3.     Avoid Smoking And Drinking

Smoking and drinking can slow the healing process after the beard transplant procedure which is not good. Smoking can constrict blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the transplanted area, which can hinder healing and hair growth. Alcohol can dehydrate the body and interfere with the medications prescribed post-surgery. So, it is best that you refrain from both activities for a few weeks. This will not hinder the healing process and you will face no unnecessary issue in your recovery.

4.     Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

You have to eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep to boost your recovery phase. Moreover, you have to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water and electrolytes. This will aid your body in repairing itself quickly and you will enjoy a good recovery phase after the beard transplant procedure.

Foods rich in protein, iron, and vitamins A, C, and E are extremely crucial for healthy beard growth. Also, if your surgeon recommends the intake of biotin or any other beard growth supplements, follow his/her advice. Besides this, make sure to keep your stress level low so that you can speed up your recovery.

5.     Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

Following your doctor’s advice after a beard transplant is crucial for optimal recovery. Your doctor will provide specific instructions on how to care for the transplanted area. You will get to know about cleaning it, what medications to take, and which activities to avoid. Adhering to these guidelines helps prevent infection and reduce swelling. It ensures proper healing of the area. In case there are some infection signs, you must immediately consult your doctor. However, if you ignore the advice then it can lead to complications such as poor graft survival and scarring.

The Bottom Line

A beard transplant, like any other surgery, needs proper aftercare and recovery steps. So, do follow all the aftercare guidelines shared by your surgeon to avoid any issues. Apart from attending all follow-up sessions with your surgeon, you need to ensure that you follow all the tips shared above. They will definitely make your transplant a success and impart even beard growth.

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